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  • 2024 – 2025 0SO GRANDE YEARBOOK


*Please note - $250 of PTA dollars are needed per student to fund all of our events and school programs. 

If you're able, we hope you'll consider a Gold Donation for each of your Oso Grande Grizzlies!


These programs include:

- i-Ready Reading and Math

- All Abilities Day

- Art Masters

- Off Campus Field Trips

- On Campus Field Trips and Assemblies (including both Walk Through Ca, and Walk Through American Revolution)

- Grizzly Store

- International Fair

- Kindness Ambassadors

- Literacy Week

- Reflections Program

- Calm Recess

- Fun Fridays

- Grade Level Books and Supplies

- Watch DOGS

- Library Books and Supplies

- Student Supervisors

- Campus Safety Initiatives

Bronze Student Donation

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